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Auction Supporting UYC & TDMM

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Benefiting: Transformational Disciple Making Ministries and Urban Youth Collaborative


DMM has worked very well in unreached people groups, but not in America. However, due to a variety of reasons our public schools in America house large numbers of unreached people. UYC and TDMM are collaborating to bring Christian school clubs to Eastern Africa and TDMM is bringing DMM to America’s schools. ​​​​​​​​​

two Ethiopian men read a bible together

More About Transformational Disciple Making Ministries:

TDMM is an organization focusing on training, equipping and mobilizing local believers to help establish communities of believers who in obedience to the Word of God are being transformed by Christ and are transforming their communities with Disciple Making Movements “DMM".

More About Urban Youth Collaborative:

America's largest mission field is found daily in her public schools. Today's teenagers go to class daily with little hope of ever hearing about the good news of Jesus. The mission of Urban Youth Collaborative (UYC) is to take the gospel directly to students on the frontlines at public school campuses. By shining the light of Christ brightly at schools in legal and transformative ways, we are watching Jesus reclaim a generation for himself.

A man holds a book up with the text "God Wants His Kids Back" overlayed
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